

Blockchain which gets the perfect operating system

Sophisticated technology can not only create applications that can be used on the Android OS, iOS computer days only. But the south has been able to launch a decentralized application known as DAaps from Techno Blockchain. Currently there are many who try their luck by developing software from the Techno Blockchain, which can support, add to the feature bar. So by doing this development he can make DAaps that can correct the shortcomings of previous DAaps. But whether you provide open source software, Blockchain technologists have not been able to maximize services, this can be seen from the many DAaps calculations that are validated because Blockchain cannot do calculations by.

Cartesi is a Blockchain based platform or more that discusses second layer platforms that carry out functions for the development and deployment of DAaps that can be adjusted according to developer requirements. Smoky Cartesi will provide one of the Hybrid DAaps, so that it will be equipped with two components at once, namely the off-chain Blockchain compound. Components requested by Off-chain will be activated for processing all given or DAaps sent by the puhak to Cartesi DAaps. Required calculations that can be produced will be sent through Cartesi changes, because Cartesi will use the LINUX operating system which will be operated due to RISC-V determinants. So Simul Cartesian will discuss with a special machine from Cartesis to be able to access all calculations correctly through Blockchain technology. After successfully entering into the Blockchain technology, DAaps Cartesi will automatically carry out off-chain calculations that can be reproduced again to be used to fall off-chain in larger amounts of data. Although all the development process is rather difficult, but Cartesi managed to prove that he can be a bridge for technology developers to get the DAaps of their dreams.
Although off-chain calculations themselves are not supported by Techno Blockchain, it cannot be denied that calculations performed by relying on off-chain composites can provide many benefits for scalability. This is because it relies on off-chain components, Cartesi can give all users the freedom to use programming languages, tools, libraries, software, and services that they can use freely. If you want to buy a composite, then you can buy a composite.
The services provided by Cartesi for development are certainly very different from the services provided by Blockchain technology. This can be proven by the information regarding the use of programming languages, tools, tools, library day services for developers. So users cannot send DAaps according to their requests, even if they ask, users must follow the policies specified. Therefore for those of you who want to develop reliably, you can count on Cartesi.
As we discussed Blockchain technology fixes quite complex problems in the calculation section of technology development. This will underlie Cartesi as a platform for technology development and distribution, where Cartesi will carry out calculations that are summarized with agnostics into Blockchain technology. Associated with the complex logic of the Blockchain prize technology, Cartesi can perform calculations that can be reproduced lag by relying on off-chain components. Of course, by looking at Cartesi's sophistication, it is acceptable that Cartesi is the ideal software development platform desired by everyone.
It is undeniable that there are currently many Blockchain technology developers who are conducting research to present new technologies with sophistication such as Cartesi because currently there are many developers who want to DAAP them in real terms. But due to the persistence of the Cartesi team, it has now been changed as a Blockchain technology platform that provides special services for DAaps developers and distribution.

How Cartesi is Involved

Through alliances like this and the release of our upcoming tower defense DApp, we want to show what can be done with Cartesi so that all members who develop new DApps can benefit.

Cartesi bridges the gap between blockchains (starting with Ethereum) and full operational systems, not only increasing computational scalability but also allowing veteran developers to start using their normal daily stack of software to create a much broader DApps array.


The current need as far as blockchain calculations are concerned is to create a network that ensures scalability of all types of calculations. It is also important to point out that platform and blockchain network scalability is part of the reason why a stronger Decentralized Application (DApps) can be developed.

That is on the premise of market needs and efforts to meet the requirements for a fully scalable environment launched by the Cartesi blockchain. Here are some properties that make it one of the best blockchain networks you will ever meet.


Ideally, successful scaling of DApps on blockchain networks is associated with the feasibility of Layer-1 and Layer-2 scalability solutions. The Layer-1 scalability solution is designed to support implementation of tools that can be scaled at the base-level protocol of the blockchain network.


On the other hand, Layer-2 scalability solutions are designed to work side by side with smart contract technology. That, in turn, helps in strengthening the movement of a lot of data and computing that is not chained.

Therefore, it can be emphasized that the role of Layer-1 and Layer-2 Scalability Solutions is to promote as much exchange and scalability as they can. That's not all there is to running successful development and delegation of Decentralized Applications (DApps) through blockchain technology. It facilitates the provision of more features, which are combined to make Cartesi blockchain one of the best platforms for the development of DApps.

Dispute resolution

You cannot rule out disputes because of the development and delegation of Decentralized Application (DApps). That is why the Cartesi blockchain has created the right ecosystem for DApps developers to resolve disputes in real time. In addition, dispute resolution arising from calculations is carried out at a cost that can be ignored on the blockchain network.

the road to our MVP

Reproductive Cartesi

is a sophisticated VM determinant. This allows smart contracts to determine complex computing that is run off-chain on a Linux OS in a way that can be reproduced.


Cartesi's complete core allows these complex calculations to be decided for the truth on the blockchain, at a cost that can be ignored, in a safe and decentralized way. Cartesi


will publish and manage open source SDKs for world use. Create your own decentralized application without knowledge of the language of the blockchain and spread it to the growing network of Cartesi Nodes.

This Design Advantages

The advantage of this design is that all the complexity, processing, and storage of data associated with the game occur outside the blockchain. Some are run on Cartesi's Node, and some are on the Cartesi Machine. Both systems run Linux, where developers are most productive. In a typical scenario where players work together, blockchain only accepts bets when the game starts and transfers them to the winner when the game ends. When players stop working together, the blockchain still has a little work to do: It just keeps the hash order up to date. It never saves the order of moves, never requires access to the state of the game, or even cares about the rules. Even when disputes arise, they are automatically resolved by Inti Cartesi.

Consider the productivity gains generated by designs like this for developing blockchain and increasing the range of applications made possible by this additional scalability. We can only begin to imagine.

The Future

In the past 20 months, a large part of the Cartesi Core, as explained in our white paper, has been applied. In a future article, we will demonstrate its strength and flexibility by making an example of DApps. Needless to say, this DApps will involve verifiable calculations of large amounts of data, while increasing the extensive software infrastructure available to developers on Linux.

Cartesi's core is only the first step towards our vision. Cartesi's mission is to close the gap between centralized and decentralized applications, both in terms of possibilities and convenience.

We will continue to work to remove all restrictions from DApps supported by Cartesi. We will offer unlimited country channels and off-chain data exchange protocols that can be verified. We will create a new programming environment that integrates the development of all Cartesi DApp components. In the end, we will make DApps easy to carry around on various blockchain.

Our hope is that, by empowering DApp developers, we will help them build products that are increasingly attractive to users, and bring us all closer to a future where decentralization is less burdensome.

Cartesi Team
Erick de MouraChief Executive Officer
Augusto Teixeira, PhD Chief of Scientific Staff
Diego Nehab, PhD
Chief of Staff Technology Chief Operating Officer Chen Steil
Marco Mirabella, Head of Business Development
Danilo Tuler Chief of
Engineer Blockchain
Engineer Argento Engineer Software OfficerCarlo Fragni
Victor FuscoSenior Software Engineer
Stephen Chenabella , Head of Business Development Danilo Tuler Chief of Engineering Blockchain Engineer Argento Engineer Software Officer Charles Fragni Victor FuscoSenior Software Engineer Stephen
Chen Senior IOTA Consultant Founder
Stas Oskin Senior Counsel Dev & Bus Dev of
Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, PhDCo-creator
of programming language Lua
WilliamGeneralBeanPartner in SOSV's Managing Director in ChinacceleratorManaging Director at MOX
Boris PovodCo-founder of Cripti Program founder Lua WilliamGeneralBeanPartner in the SOSV Managing Director in ChinacceleratorManaging Director at MOX Boris PovodCo-founder of Cripti Program
Director Lua WilliamGeneralBeanPartner in the SOSV Managing Director in ChinacceleratorManaging Director at MOX Boris PovodCo-founder of Cripti Program Director Lua WilliamGeneralBeanPartner in SOSV's Managing Director in ChinacceleratorManaging Director at MOX Boris PovodCo-founder of Cripti Director of Organizing Lua WilliamGeneralBeanPartner Alliance

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Username: rudoki
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Ethereum address:0xdeAEB4A8B9b401fA02c5CC4E1F2f41D665628B76


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